Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Right in Front of Me

People go in search for inspiration everyday whether it be the sun, trees, music, clothing, or even people. The list goes on. I have many inspirations that I come across every day that makes me feel up lifted and ready to live life out loud, but recently I've been asking myself, "Who or what inspires me the most? Who or what summarizes everything that I believe in, hope for, and dream for? What makes my heart passionate for life?

As I stumbled across this question throughout the days just waiting for an answer, I received the picture above from my boyfriend; and then it finally dawned on me. It was him. He inspires me the most. He summarizes everything that I believe in, hope for and dream for, and he makes my heart passionate for life. This picture shows the life that he brings into my world. Ever since I've met him, I know its cliche to say, but he has shown me life in a whole new way.  His passion for the things that he loves to do makes me want to be passionate for the tiniest things that I do everyday and makes me not want to take things for granted. He inspires me to LOVE; Not just the people around me, but love for myself. Ever since I've met him, I have learned about the actual True Love. True love in a relationship, for your friends, family, and Christ. I never knew what a beautiful and kind heart looked like until I met him. Him and I are opposites, I'm more reserved and he's a guy full of energy, not to mention his infectious smile. He brings the energy that I need to get through my schedule Monday through Friday and teaches me that everything doesn't have to be set to a schedule. His Faith goes beyond measure. He leads me with a strong hand and we hold each other together through Christ.

 This picture just says it all. Love, Joy, Energy, Life, Faith; that's him, everything that I'm looking for. I just want to tell him, Thank You for being my beautiful inspiration.

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